Our wonderful inheritance!

In Romans 8:17, we are told that as Christians, we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. How brilliant is that? We don't have to spend this life wanting things, wondering what life is about, buying lavishly and being desperate for more - we have all eternity for that! 

Verse 17 says that if we share in Christ's suffering, we may also share in his glory. We, as Christians, will suffer for trusting Jesus, just as he did when he was put to death on the cross - but if we continue to trust in him, we will share in his glory - the wonderful inheritance from God, we are co-heirs with Christ. 

When Jesus returns, we have all eternity to be with him and to enjoy all the good things we were made for. We shouldn't be putting everyday things before God. We can spend this life trusting God, and telling other people the good news of the Bible because when he comes back we have forever for everything else God has given us! Lucy
