Psalm 139:14

This has become one of my favourite verses as of lately. It may seem simple, but it's a really powerful statement. God put so much thought into making every single one of us. He didn't just throw us together super quickly. He made us all have our own unique abilities and features. We are wonderfully designed in his image. No other creature is made in the Maker's image! He made no mistakes when creating us. I think we often want to change things about ourselves, but God loves us just the way we are. He is a wonderful creator! Lucy

(If you're interested: Every Girl Must Read)


  1. I love your posts so much! They are so encouraging and make me feel part of a bigger picture in teenage Christian girls! Xx

  2. Hi, I love your posts! They are so encouraging and well written! Thank you so much! Xxx

  3. Thank you! I really appreciate that! Lucy

  4. By the way, please can you do Isaiah 14 v 10! It's one of my favourite. Thank you! X


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