In Christ

Have you ever wondered what it means to be In Christ? Well, Paul tells us what it means in the book of Romans. Romans chapter 6 is one of the most important passages in the whole of the Bible. Paul is anxious to tell us that we should not just think we can sin more so that we can have more grace from God. Instead, he tells us that we are dead to sin and alive in Christ

Romans 6:3-4 = We were baptised into his death, buried with him through baptism and just as Jesus was raised to life - so can we be - we too will live a new life. Being in Christ is part of our identity - where Jesus goes we will too. 

Being in Christ is part of our identity as who we are as Christians. This means that sin, although we do still sin, it has no hold over us (or no power). Christ is the one who has the power, because of his death and resurrection. Therefore we are dead to sin but alive in Christ. How brilliant is that? God has power over things as big as death. Lucy
